Pre-sessional courses

If you have applied for undergraduate or postgraduate study at The University of Manchester, but do not have the English language requirements for your degree course, a Pre-sessional course may help you achieve the level you need.

student with an umbrella

Our Pre-sessional courses are intensive and academically challenging. They have been designed to help you develop the language and academic skills you need to progress onto your academic course at The University of Manchester.

Students on these courses must have access to a laptop, computer or tablet to access materials and undertake assessments during the course.

We offer 10, 6, and 4-week courses - the length of the course you study will depend on your current English language level, and the level required for the degree course you are applying to.

Even if you have met the language conditions on your academic course, you can still participate in a pre-sessional course. Not only will it help improve your language skills and spoken English, but it’s a good opportunity to make new friends.

Junjie Wang From China / Online 10-week pre-sessional course

Course dates

On campus course dates      
Online course dates  
Welcome Days (optional)  



Spring Pre-sessional course

  31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19  26 2
   March April May June
10-week (online)                      

Please note the April Pre-sessional course will start on Monday, 7 April

There is a minimum number of students required for this course to run. 

Summer Pre-sessional courses

  23 30  14 21 28  11 18 25 1
  June June July August September
10-week (on campus)                      
10-week (online)                      
6-week (on campus)                      
6-week (online)                      
4-week (on campus)                    


4-week (online)                      

There will be no classes on public holidays. These include:

  • 18 April 2025
  • 21 April 2025
  • 5 May 2025
  • 26 May 2025
  • 25 August 2025

Each course starts with optional welcome days, designed to prepare you for studying with us. During your course, you will have tutor-led sessions, individual and group tutorial meetings with your tutor and interactive tasks to be completed individually and collaboratively in your study group.

All University of Manchester courses are taught by enthusiastic, qualified and experienced tutors. Our Pre-sessional courses are accredited by The British Council and BALEAP and we are proud to be recognised as the joint number one university language centre in the UK*

*According to the EL Gazette University Language Centre ranking 2019-2023.

Discover more about Pre-sessional courses